Costs in Ethiopia

Something a bit different for today, a quick post about the price of living out here in Ethiopia. I can only really give my impression of things that I have had to buy, but will try and predict other costs through what I have asked other people I have met out here


First of all, the price of food in Ethiopia, despite being cheap for me, in a direct comparison to the UK, I feel is actually quite expensive for an average Ethiopian out here. A loaf of bread costs around 30p, and fruit is relatively cheap too. The other day I got 3 mangos for around 20p. But move onto more non-essential foods and I got a jar of jam the other day, which cost over £2. It most likely would have been cheaper in the UK. It’s the same story with other spreads, biscuits and most of all, chocolate. But when you bring the average salary of someone here into play compared to the UK, it’s very expensive.

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